It is unlikely that your future child will ever be afflicted with any of the conditions a cache of stem cells could mitigate/cure. Plus, the initial cost and yearly storage fee is material. My family has learned, however, that the unlikely can happen.
A bone marrow transplant, which hopefully I will never need, is one example where stored cord blood could some day save the life of an adult diagnosed with certain types of Leukemia. There is no better match (and thus minimal risk of the body rejecting it) than one's own genetic material. Additionally, cord blood can be used for a transplant even if it's only a partial match, thus siblings and parents could potentially use one child's stored cells. One of the first things my obstetrician told me when we discussed my leukemia is that we should save my next child's cord blood, just in case I need it if I ever relapse.*
As science develops, there will be even more applications for the umbilical cord stem cells. Scientists are also researching ways of harvesting stem cells from adults, which could make cord blood banking unneccesary. However, harvesting adult stem cells is still in a developmental stage.
Although the above may read like a sales pitch, I am not getting a kickback from the cord blood banking companies. It may be the right choice for some families, but there are a lot of considerations, cost being one of them.
The following link may be helpful for anyone who is expecting, or expects to expect: Banking Your Baby's Cord Blood: An Overview
The cord blood preservation option is a good insurance policy, but doesn't eliminate the need today for bone marrow donors for leukemia patients needing a transplant. That will be the topic of another blog entry.
Thank you for educating everyone following your progress and blog. I know banking cord blood can be expensive but now that I know, because of your blog, it could possibly help anyone related to that baby, I’d help with the expense for my family to have that safety net. I wish I knew more details about cord blood when Luke was born 3 weeks ago and I’ll keep the information in mind for the next grandchild. I’m glad to read you are doing much better and able to work-out. Comments I’ve heard from cancer survivors are that once you become a survivor you appreciate every day and all the little things that use to be taken for granted realizing the important things in life. I’m proud of you for pointing out to those women that there are more important things in life than sweating the “small” inconveniences. Please keep writing--I love reading your posts. Aunt Laura