Woo-hoo! Oh yeah! Hot diggity dog! (Insert celebration dance here. Heck, I'll even do the Macarena if someone plays the song.)
My parents, Rob, and I are so thankful for this result. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support.
Now comes Phase Two (laid out in the "Killing the Wicked Witch of the West" blog entry), which starts June 6th. The objective of Phases Two and Three is to keep me in remission. There will be PCR remission tests every three months or so at first, and then gradually more spaced out until I hit the 5 year Cured mark. These need to show zero cancerous cells, whereas a few in this first FISH test was okay because they should get wiped out with the rest of treatment.
But before I focus on Phase Two, this milestone deserves some chocolate cake.

I hope you had a huge piece of chocolate cake. I will never forget this time we went to dinner together and I figured we would share the dessert, but oh no, you wanted your own! I think you looked forward to the desert more than the entree!
ReplyDeleteYour test results are AWESOME! I am so happy and relieved for you!!!! Thank God. I will still keep you in my prayers for an easy and very successful phase 2 and 3. Enjoy the next 2 weeks with Alyssa and Rob as your body recuperates from the HELL and back it went through so it can once again fight during your next phase. Thanks again for the updates Shelley. If you need anything that I can help you with through ACS services please, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at laura.miller@cancer.org . Love Aunt Laura