Friday, April 29, 2011

Say it with Pizza

A royal wedding happened today, the buildup to which lasted over a month. During that month, I had a great vantage point for watching the unveiling of the details. For instance, while waiting for the big kiss on the balcony, I brushed the last of my long blonde hair from my head (Who would have thought a kiss could make me cry so hard?).

One of the most interesting details I heard about from my hospital bed was the creation of a pizza with Kate's and William's portraits on it. Though I've never met them, I am sure they are a lovely couple. But if anyone deserves to have his profile on a pizza, it is my loving, supportive husband Ryan. He promised to love me in sickness, and he has done just that.

Just like Kate, his hair could be fashioned out of black olives. Though he would probably have to be made out of deep crust. A week ago, I watched him devour an entire two pound bag of jelly beans while listening to the head oncologist explain the complications that were sending me to the ICU. A pepperoni slice shirt would well symbolize the t-shirt he wore while sleeping next to me many nights on the pull-out chair. Glazed mushrooms for the eyes would represent all the hours he's spent combing medical resources and questioning my mom and doctors to understand my condition.

While I don't think my pizza could turn out as well as PaPa John's below, once I'm better, I am going to try my hardest to create an Ode to Ryan Pie to show him just how much his support has meant to me.

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